Ferry tickets from Santo Stefano to Giglio
Find out how you can reach your favorite destination. You can find out all the details about your trip and buy your tickets here. Travel comfortably and safely from Santo Stefano to Giglio. Learn more about your favorite route and check out interesting information for visitors.
Information about the port of Santo Stefano
Information about the port of Santo Stefano
The port is connected to Giglio, the second largest island of the Tuscan archipelago, and the journey lasts 1 hour.
Facilities at Porto Santo Stefano: Free Wi-Fi, ATM, taxis, sea taxis, protected waiting area, restaurant, cafe, paid parking.
Useful phones, Porto Santo Stefano
Port authority: +39 0564 812529
Hospital: +39 0564 869111
Police: +39 0564 812520
Information about the port of Giglio
Information about the port of Giglio
The port is connected to Saint Stephan.
Facilities in Giglio port: Free WiFi, ATM, taxis, car, motorbike and boat rentals, paid parking.
Useful phones:
Police: +39 0564 809232
Port Authority: +39 0564 809480
Medical Centre: +39 0564 809116
Tourist Information: +39 0564 809400