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Travel vouchers extended until 31/03/2022

Travel vouchers for cancelled trips due to COVID-19 extended until 31/03/2022.
Travel vouchers extended until 31/03/2022

With the recent act of the Ministry of Tourism, the travel vouchers that were cancelled by the COVID-19 pandemic are extended until 31/03/2022.
These vouchers were given to travelers for cancellations, instead of money, to be used in 2021. However, those of them that were not used until the end of 2021, can be used until 31/03.
This solution is given to alleviate the huge problem created in the tourist offices and in the wider tourism industry by the large volume of cancellations and the big amounts of refunds. With this measure, of article 61, an effort is made to reduce the amounts due and to gradually start the smooth operation of the tourist services.