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Lafasi Ship

Book tickets for all Lafasi destinations through Let's Ferry.

Lafasi Maritime Company was founded in 1974 and since then has been transporting passengers who travel for business or pleasure purposes, ensuring their safety and comfort.

Lafasi Maritime transports 100 passengers a day, carrying out daily routes from Kalymnos to Mastichari of Kos. At the same time, it organizes dreamy summer getaways from Kos, provides itineraries to the islands of Pserimos and Leros, while its ships also visit Bodrum in Turkey (Halicarnassus).

Lafasi's ships: Apollo II & Ilias T comply with all national and international safety regulations. “Apollo II” has a length of 28.90m, a maximum speed of 20 knots and a capacity of 224 people. “Ilias T” has a length of 22.48m, a maximum speed of 20 knots and a capacity of 123 people.

Regarding Environmental Management, the company, which is being aware of its responsibilities in this area, is committed to environmental protection issues and has determined that all the work done by its staff, in its offices and on its ships, contributes to this effort.

Lafasi has also declared its commitment to the principles and regulations of the Safe Management System and guarantees their implementation, in terms of the protection of human life and property at sea, ensuring healthy and safe working conditions for ship personnel, the use of specialized and medically certified personnel on the ships, the maintenance of the Safety Equipment in good condition, etc.


Lafasi also offers e-ticket upon the completion of your online booking.