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Ferry tickets from Mariehamn to Turku, Finland

Find out how you can reach your favorite destination. You can find out all the details about your trip and buy your tickets here. Travel comfortably and safely from Mariehamn to Turku. Learn more about your favorite route and check out interesting information for visitors.

Information about the port of Mariehamn

Information about the port of Mariehamn

The port is connected to Helsinki, Kapellskar, Stockholm, Turku and Tallinn.
Facilities at Mariehamn port: Free Wi-Fi, ATM, taxi, cafe, snacks, waiting area, WC, defibrillator, WC for the disabled, luggage storage, car rentals, paid parking and currency exchange.

Useful Phones, Mariehamn
Port: +358 18 531 476
Hospital: +358 18 5355
Police: +358 18 52 7100

Information about the port of Turku

Information about the port of Turku

The port is connected to Langnas, Mariehamn and Stockholm.
Facilities at Turku’s airport: Free Wi-Fi, ATM, taxis, WC, WC for the disabled, tickets office, waiting lounge, car rentals, restaurant, café, luggage storage, paid parking.

Useful phones, Turku
Port authority: +358 2267 4111
Hospital: +358 233 0000
Police: +358 29 544 0501