Ferry tickets from Holyhead to Dublin, Ireland
Find out how you can reach your favorite destination. You can find out all the details about your trip and buy your tickets here. Travel comfortably and safely from Holyhead to Dublin. Learn more about your favorite route and check out interesting information for visitors.
Information about the port of Holyhead
Information about the port of Holyhead
The port is connected to Dublin and the trip lasts 99(!) minutes. The official currency is the British pound.
Facilities at Holyhead’s port: Free Wi-Fi, ATM, taxi, coffee shop, snacks, shuttered waiting area, WC, WC for the disabled, car rentals, paid parking, currency exchange and free shuttle bus from the port to the city centre.
Useful phones, Holyhead
Port: +443 447 70 7070
Hospital: +443 00 085 0022
Police: +448 45 607 1002
Information about the port of Dublin
Information about the port of Dublin
The port is connected to Holyhead in Wales.
Facilities at Dublin’s port: Free Wi-Fi, ATM, taxis, cafe, shuttered waiting lounge and WC.
Useful phones, Dublin:
Port: +353 1 887 6000
Hospital: +353 1 809 3000
Police: +353 1 675 9000