Ferry tickets from Capri to Naples Calata Porta Di Massa, Italy
Find out how you can reach your favorite destination. You can find out all the details about your trip and buy your tickets here. Travel comfortably and safely from Capri to Naples Calata Porta Di Massa. Learn more about your favorite route and check out interesting information for visitors.

Information about the port of Capri
Information about the port of Capri
The port is connected to Amalfi, Castellammare di Stabia, Naples, Positano, Salerno and Sorrento.
Facilities at the port of Capri: Free Wi-Fi, taxi, bus, luggage storage, ATM, cafe, boat rentals.
Useful phones, Capri
Port: +390818377602
Hospital: +390818381206
Police: +390818370000
Information about the port of Naples Calata Porta Di Massa
Information about the port of Naples
The port is connected to Cagliari, Palermo and Termini Imerese.
Facilities at Naples port: Free Wi-Fi, ATM, taxis, café, restaurant, car, boat and scooter rentals, free and paid parking.
Useful phones, Naples:
Port: +39 081 2283 402
Hospital: +39 081 746 1111
Police: +39 081 751 31 77
Coastguard: +39 0789 56360