Ferry tickets from Los Cristianos, Tenerife to Valverde, El Hierro, Spain
Information about the port of Los Cristianos, Tenerife
Information about the port of Los Cristianos
The port is connected to El Hierro, La Gomera and La Palma.
Facilities at the port of Los Cristianos: Free Wi-Fi, ATM, taxis, WC, car rentals, luggage storage, cafe and paid parking. There is a free shuttle bus from the Los Cristianos port to Santa Cruz or passengers travelling to La Gomera and La Palma.
Useful phones, Los Cristianos
Port: +34922605426
Hospital: +34922750022
Police: +34922789950
Information about the port of Valverde, El Hierro
Information about the port of El Hierro
El Hierro is connected to Los Cristianos, a town on the Tenerife Island.
Facilities at the port of El Hierro: ATM, taxi, paid parking, tickets office, car rentals, boat rentals, waiting lounge, WC.
Useful phones, El Hierro:
Port authority: +34828880038
Hospital: +34922553500
Police: +34922552045